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Monday, October 19, 2015

How Do We Know it’s a Good Time to Buy?

There is a wide selection of top-quality homes to choose from throughout Chester County and Northern Delaware. If you're interested in looking at all the current homes that are listed, GO HERE to perform a Full Home Search, or if you're considering putting your home on the market, CLICK HERE to obtain a Free Home Value Report. For any other questions you have regarding Chester County Real Estate or the value of your home, please feel free to call me at (610) 427-4420.

I am often asked by clients if it’s a good time to buy a home. The thing is, there are two important facts about home selling that you need to understand first: 
1. You can’t time the market

2. There is never a bad time to buy the right home at the right price

When you try to time the market, it never works. We don’t know we’ve hit the bottom of the market in terms of pricing until prices start to go up, then we’ve missed it. The same goes for the peak of the market. We don’t know prices are going to come down, we can only react to it when they do. Timing the market is not the way you want to go about buying a home.

What we really want to do is guide you into that sweet spot. The spot where, if you need to sell in the future, your home will appreciate and have that equity. In the early 2000’s, we saw home prices go up at a rate that was simply not sustainable, and the market eventually crashed. If you look at historical home values, a good, healthy rate of appreciation is right around 2-4%.

Is it a good time to buy a home right now? Absolutely, as long as you don’t overpay. How do you avoid overpaying? You’ve got to work with a great agent. Our buyer team is great at helping you analyze the decision from a financial standpoint. We want you to fall in love with your home, but we also want to take some of that emotion out of the buying process so you can make a good financial decision with one of the biggest investments you will make in your life.

Our goal is to help you get the right home at the right price. If you only get one of those things, you aren’t going to be satisfied. If you’d like to work through the process to so you can buy the right home at the right price, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!