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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Philadelphia Suburbs and Northern Delaware Market Snapshot

There is a wide selection of top-quality homes to choose from throughout Chester County and Northern Delaware. If you're interested in looking at all the current homes that are listed, GO HERE to perform a Full Home Search, or if you're considering putting your home on the market, CLICK HERE to obtain a Free Home Value Report. For any other questions you have regarding Chester County Real Estate or the value of your home, please feel free to call or text me at (484) 727-4070.

Today, we take a quick look at market conditions in the Southeast Pennsylvania and Northern Delaware areas. We've seen some good signs lately, as inventory of available homes has jumped from 4 months of supply in January to 6 months of supply in June. We attribute that change to the recent recovery of the housing market, which has attracted people who had delayed selling their homes.

Inventory has jumped 5%, and median home sales have risen 4% since June of last year. These positive numbers have led to sellers flooding the market. Still, we are currently in good shape; we have a healthy and balanced market. But the "wait for the right time" attitude we've seen of late is not good for buyers or sellers

Since market conditions are constantly changing, trying to time the market is a fool's errand. We never really know how hot the market is until it starts cooling off, and we don't know when prices have hit bottom until they have begun to rise again. The best thing you can do is research and make sure that the price you're willing to pay is fair and reasonable based on today's market conditions.

Neither buyers nor sellers benefit when the market is shifted in favor of one side. A balanced market is the best possible market for both sides. That's why now is as good a time as any to make your move; buyers are buying and sellers are selling at a fair price. There's never really a bad time to buy the right home at the right price if you understand market conditions and work with a professional. 

We would love to help you -  so feel free to give us a call, text, or shoot us an email with any of your questions.